Friday, September 21, 2012

3 months

Our cute little boy is three months old today! He loves to smile at us, make crazy sounds, stand up with us helping him, play on his tummy, suck on his hands and blanket, look at himself in the mirror, and play with Dad when he gets home from work. Being a mom can be pretty draining after a long day, and here I am with only one! I am so grateful to have a helpful and supportive husband by my side and I realize now how amazing it is when someone does it on their own. I love the two boys in my life more than words!


Cindy Brink said...

he's even changed since we were there....he's so special and I can't wait to see him (and his parents) soon!!

Cason and Marie said...

Oh Erin! I love him! He looks so sweet. What a blessing it is to be a mother. Yes, I agree with you, it is draining. But I must say, when you have another it is a little easier in a way. (but it is also harder) Sometimes it gets boring with just one. :) But just live your life and bring him along for the ride. He's your little buddy and will do everything with you...your other children won't get that opportunity. Anyway, I don't know where I'm going with this. But just wanted to say you are a great mama! Love you! xoxo

Cason and Marie said...
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EmylovePaul said...

Keep posting pictures! I love seeing him. I can't believe how much he has already grown!! xoxo