Thursday, February 16, 2012

one cool dude

We are having a baby boy! The ultrasound yesterday was amazing. I loved seeing our baby and I already feel a deep love for him. The ultrasound tech took several pictures for us, but this is one of my favorites. 
Our little guy is just hanging out and relaxing in my uterus like this is no big deal. Every time the tech moved the ultrasound head he was in a different position which explains all of the movement I have been feeling! Anyway, we just think he is the cutest thing, translucent skin and all.


Jana said...

this is the BEST picture. hahahaha. i love how they have a little personality from day one. so excited for our little guys to be friends :)

Megan said...
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Megan said...

Is he crossing his legs? He looks like he's chillin' in a Utero Hammock....
I am SO excited for you, Erin. You're gonna be a great little mamma. Love you lots.

DeMom said...

congrats!! :) you'll be a such a fun mom!